Would you like to reduce costs and improve reliability ?
KLEENTEK your oil !
We can help you find an effective solution for your requirements, helping you to reduce
system downtime, maintenance costs and oil purchasing costs. Contact us for more information and advice.
KLEENTEK’s Electrostatic Oil Cleaning method removes oil contaminants to sub-micron levels, maintaining the oil in ultra-clean for trouble-free production
Kleentek EOC and DH condition hydraulic oil and lubricating oil and prevent the hydraulic system failures such as valve malfunction, pump failure and oil leakage, as well as bearing wear.
People Technologies Evolution / Kleentek is Helping to comfortable living through lower costs and environmental protection.
The Benefits of Using Kleentek
– Varnish-free lubricating and hydraulic oil circuit
– Improves reliability
– Improves productivity
– Improves oil life
– Improves seal and O-ring life
– Energy saving by lowering the coefficient of friction in mechanical equipment